Records provide “smoking gun proof” that the fossil fuel sector was aware of the threat posed by climate change as early as 1954.
The goal of Britain is to revive an old rainforest in Devon. To recreate temperate rainforests, the National Trust intends to plant 100,000 trees in Arlington Court, Exmoor, Woolacombe, and Hartland in the United Kingdom. Once widely distributed, these rainforests now only make up 1% of Britain because to illnesses, invasive species, and pollution. With support from HSBC UK, Utility Warehouse, and the Trust’s Plant a Tree fund, the effort seeks to mitigate climate change, provide habitats, and store carbon. By 2030, it hopes to plant and grow 20 million trees.
The biggest cruise ship in the world is ready to go. It makes use of liquefied natural gas, which eventually results in the ship emits so much methane that it is actually more harmful to the environment than conventional oil ships.
Greenland is shedding thirty million tonnes of ice per hour, according to a research. According to recent study, bottom trawling contributes significantly to atmospheric carbon emissions. For the fifth year in a row, the ocean has surpassed the heat record. The hottest year ever recorded was 2023.
The Danish government is raising the airfare tax.
After being cemented to the ocean floor for thirty years, the largest iceberg in the world is now moving.
The ozone hole is the biggest that have occurred in the previous three years.
The richest 1% of people on the planet emit the same amount of carbon as the poorest two-thirds.
Located in Saudi Arabia, the largest single-site solar farm in the world is currently operational. China and the US have made “little but significant actions” to mitigate climate change. It’s very likely that 2023 will be the hottest year in the previous 125,000 years.
Nestle and Coca-Cola have come under fire for allegedly lying about utilising recycled plastic.
Despite the fact that millions of people cannot afford petrol or heating oil, British Petroleum has reported a $3.3 billion profit. Carbon emissions could accelerate the critical temperature rise of 1.5ΒΊC.
According to a recent study, melting of the West Antarctic ice shelf is inevitable. Climate change indicators, or “vital signs,” for the globe are at an all-time low. The Amazon had a 57% decrease in deforestation in September and a 66% decrease in July.
The destruction of the Amazon rainforest is outpacing the ability of its species and even the climate to respond. In Antarctica, an iceberg the size of London has broken off the Brunt Ice Shelf. As stated by the Met Office in 2022 was recorded as the sixth warmest year ever.
Because of the severe storms that hit the state, a large portion of California is no longer in the worst drought category. In related climatic news, Europe is having an exceptionally warm summer, shattering thousands of records. Simultaneously, an arctic storm killed around a hundred individuals and left over a million without power. Christmas eve, Saturday, saw the cancellation of at least 10,000 flights.
The intensity of the storm may be related to climate change. The globe is using more coal than ever, according to a recent report from the International Energy Agency.
The UN has suggested that countries that contribute to climate change should face criminal penalties. Parallel to this, the EU enacted legislation prohibiting the sale of goods produced on deforested land beyond 2020.
In related climate change news, Western US cities are getting rid of ornamental grass in order to conserve water.
The current drought in the Western United States and Mexico is the worst in 1,200 years. Top corporations like Facebook, Apple, and Google are allegedly overstating their progress in slowing down climate change, according to a report by the New Climate Institute, and they are also allegedly not making enough changes fast enough.
The fact that all of the snow at the Olympics in Beijing is artificial is concerning for the environment and for future winter games. A significant ecological catastrophe could result from the Great Salt Lake’s disappearance. According to recent research, the excessive heat in the oceans may have reached a tipping point in 2014, indicating that warmer waters are now the new normal.
Global catastrophes caused by climate change cost the world around $100 billion last year. This month, Alaska experienced temperatures above 67ΒΊ F, which set a record for December. With the temperature continuing to warm, the weather has brought on torrential rains and increases the risk of significant flooding.
The yearly Global Carbon Budget Report estimates that the Earth has eleven years to avert catastrophic climatic scenarios.
The fossil fuel industry has the largest delegation attending the COP26 climate summit. This could be the reason behind Greta Thunberg’s criticism of the COP26 climate summit. The fact that COP26 was a disaster is no secret. The obvious conclusion is that we cannot resolve a crisis using the same strategies that brought it on,” the speaker stated. Japan has declined to sign the declaration about ceasing to operate coal-powered facilities, seemingly to emphasise her point.
The CEO of Exxon is facing charges of lying to Congress about the company’s attempts to conceal its knowledge of its role in climate change.
Rich countries like Saudi Arabia, Japan, and Australia, among others, are putting pressure on the UN to slow down the transition away from climate change, according to a significant document leak. Rich countries are also wondering why they should foot the bill for developing nations to adopt green technologies.
According to a metastudy of almost 90,000 climate studies, 99.9% of them concur that human activity is the primary driver of climate change. This practically ends any dispute about the topic.